How to Set Up a 大学 储蓄 Account for Your Baby

July 19, 2023 6分钟

如果你想要一个孩子,你可能会发现自己在为上大学做准备. 公立和私立大学的学费都在持续上涨, 加州一所公立四年制大学的全日制州内学生平均支付15美元,642 for tuition and fees in 2023. 与此同时, 加州私立大学的学杂费平均为45美元,382 the same year.1

高等教育的代价并不一定意味着背负数万美元的债务. 大学储蓄计划,如529计划和科弗戴尔教育储蓄账户(以前被称为教育爱尔兰共和军), 你可以帮助你的学生一出生就抵消这笔费用.

a是什么? college savings account?

大学储蓄账户旨在帮助你为小学储蓄, secondary and higher education expenses. 的 best types of college savings accounts, 比如529计划或Coverdell教育储蓄账户(ESA), 提供税收优惠的策略,这可能会帮助你随着时间的推移积累更多的钱.

Of course, there are other options to help pay for college. 一些家庭可能会使用托管账户(UTMA/UGMA)、储蓄债券或罗斯个人退休账户. Financial aid — including 奖学金 — may also be available when your child is ready for college.

你如何决定哪个大学储蓄选项对你的孩子是正确的? 寻找税收优惠、财务利益和灵活性的最佳组合 while keeping to your overall financial needs.

a是什么? Coverdell 教育 储蓄 Account?

Coverdell 教育 储蓄 Account 是美国政府为帮助家庭为受益人支付教育费用而设立的延税信托账户吗, 开户时年龄必须在18周岁以下. (有特殊需要的受益人可获豁免此年龄限制.)任何单一受益人每年的最高供款总额为2,000元.

Coverdell ESAs can be used to pay for qualified elementary, 中学和高等教育费用,以及这些费用的提款是免税的. 的 student must disburse funds before they turn 30.

的re are income limits associated with Coverdell ESAs. If your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is above $220,000 for joint filers, you’re ineligible for the plan.

Which college savings plan is right for your baby? 寻找税收优惠、财务利益和灵活性的最佳组合.”

a是什么? 529年计划?

Named after Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, 529计划是一种投资账户,它允许你为合格的教育费用留出资金,而不用为你的收入或这些储蓄的利息纳税.

Anyone can contribute to the account, and like a Coverdell ESA, the funds can be used for education expenses.

How do I set up a college savings account 为了我的宝贝?

It’s relatively simple to open a 529年计划 or Coverdell ESA. First, you’ll need to choose a provider. You’ll want to factor in the quality and cost of the plan, 包括注册费和最低供款金额,然后再决定. 如果你仍然不确定哪个大学储蓄计划适合你,联系a Patelco Certified Financial Specialist to help review your goals.

下一个, you’ll need to designate the beneficiary — in this case, 您的孩子-为帐户,并提供他们的出生日期和社会安全号码. Most of these accounts can be set up online.

一旦你提供了所需的信息,你就会想要选择在哪里投资. 大多数专家会建议使用基于年龄的基金,资产会根据孩子的年龄自动调整.

我可以 change the beneficiary of my baby’s college savings plan?

任何人都可以成为529计划的受益人,只要他们是美国公民或外籍居民,并拥有社会安全号码或税务识别号码. You can change the beneficiary at any time without penalty.

If you’re setting up a Coverdell ESA, 指定受益人必须未满18岁,除非他们是特殊需要受益人. You can change the designated beneficiary once per year, but they must be a member of the beneficiary’s family.

How much can I invest in my child’s college savings account?

529计划为投资提供了最大的灵活性:没有年度供款上限, 但每个529计划都有一个由国家设定的终身总缴款限额. 加州的总限额是全国最高的之一:52.9万美元.


Can grandparents contribute to my baby’s college savings accounts?

是的, grandparents can help pay for college. 事实上, 任何人都可以向529计划或Coverdell ESA供款,只要供款不超过指定限额.

Do college savings plans affect financial aid packages?

大学储蓄账户可以影响经济援助计划,但影响取决于计划的类型和计划的名称. 在计算经济援助的预期家庭贡献(EFC)时,学生的资产和收入比父母的资产权重更大. 而祖父母拥有的账户不用于计算EFC, 来自祖父母账户的支出被视为学生收入,可能会严重影响您孩子获得经济援助的资格.

What if my child doesn’t go to college?

在孩子毕业或离开大学后,你不会因为在529计划中有剩余资金而受到惩罚. 如果你取出你的资金用于不合格的开支, 然而, 你必须缴纳所得税,在收入部分缴纳529美元的提款罚款.

If your child has a Coverdell ESA and doesn’t go to college, 他们可以从账户中取出钱,并为取出钱纳税. 剩余的资金将在他们30岁时自动分配给他们.

You have other options, too. 这些计划允许你提取资金来支付职业学校的学费, trade school and graduate school, as well as elementary and secondary school. 的 funds can be used to pay up to $10,000 in student loan debt, off-campus housing, books and required materials, and food and meal plans.

529计划允许你将受益人改为另一个孩子, 所以你可以用这笔钱来支付他们的教育费用或学生贷款.

1 Source: 的 大学 Board, Trends in 大学 Pricing 2022.

2 Patelco does not provide tax advice; please consult your tax advisor.

